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  • Writer's pictureClaire McOuat

How To Run a Cost-Effective User Generated Content Campaign

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

A great way to engage your audience, create brand awareness, and generate authentic content would be to run a cost-effective user-generated content (UGC) campaign.

  • Objectives

First, you are going to need to define your objectives for the UGC campaign. Ask yourself questions such as, do you want to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or promote a new product? Defining your objectives is important if you want to create a more targeted campaign.

  • Platform

It is important to have an idea of what platform you are planning to use the content on. Make sure you choose the platform that best suits your campaign objectives. Some popular UGC platforms include social media, blogs, and also forums.

  • Campaign Theme

Without a specific theme, your UGC creators won’t have anything to guide the type of content they make and the different creators' content might clash.

  • Guidelines

Guidelines are important in all campaigns because they can clearly outline the rules and requirements for influencers who are a part of the campaign. Be sure to include the type of content you're looking for, the campaign theme, and even any legal requirements.

  • Monitor

Monitor and moderate the content as it is being submitted in order to make sure it is meeting all the guidelines and is appropriate for what your brand is looking for.

  • Repurpose

Even once the campaign has come to an end you can always repurpose the content for future marketing purposes.

If you successfully follow these steps, you can run a cost-effective UGC campaign that not only engages your audience, but creates authentic content, and achieves your overall marketing objectives.


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